A. 急急急!!!英文翻译
•纽约证券交易所( NYSE ) ,绰号“大佬板” ,是美国的最古老和最大的美元股票投标市场。纽约证券交易所,位于华尔街,于1792年拥有了第一个公开上市公司。纽约证券交易所的公开交易的超过2700股的证券是靠供应和需求机制运行的;经济挑战中不断改变的平衡有卖方和买方在拍卖会一样的环境的环境下运行。
•道琼斯平均数股市指数代表了美国经济在三个部门:工业,运输和公用事业。30家公司在这些部门在平均数计算的汇编资料 。
•纳斯达克在美国是全球最大的电子股票交易投标市场。人们越来越倾向于采用电子交流,因为这种模式在增加竞争的同时同时提供平等竞争的机会给大小不同投资者。纳斯达克综合指数是一系列上市的股票和其综合价值的清单;它是一个分析股票组成的工具,所有这些都有一定的共性。例如,这些交易的部分分组可在同一交易所交换,他们属于同一行业,或具有类似市值(计算价值的公司) 。纳斯达克被视为一个指标股的表现在技术和成长性的公司-那些增长率大大超过全国平均水平的其行业。
• OTCBB代表the Over the Counter (OTC) Bulletin Board,它为没在国家或纳斯达克上列出的众多证券提供了一个电子报价系统。在OTCBB提供经纪人实时报价,最后的出售价格和数量信息。任何人赞成该系统可以使用OTCBB查找价格或输入数量。像更大,更熟悉的交流一样,资格规则的OTCBB要求美国证券交易委员会登记的现行财务报告。
B. 要读大学了...金融系...
1、《经济学原理》 N·格里高利·曼昆 (N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出版社。
2、《应用经济计量学》 拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。
3、《货币金融学》 弗雷德里克·S·米什金 (Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民大学出版社。
4、《金融学》 兹维·博迪、罗伯特·默顿 ,中国人民大学出版社。
5、《公司理财》 斯蒂芬·A·罗斯, 机械工业出版社。
6、《投资学精要》 兹维·博迪 ,中国人民大学出版社。
7、《国际金融管理》 Jeff.Mara,北京大学出版社。
8、《固定收入证券市场及其衍生产品》 Suresh.M.Sundaresan,北京大学出版社。
10、《投资组合管理:理论及应用》 小詹姆斯·法雷尔,机械工业出版社。
11、《衍生金融工具与风险管理》 唐·M·钱斯 (Don.M.Chanc),中信出版社
货币经济学 理论 作者 出处
1、 剑桥方程式 马歇尔、庇古 Pigou,A.C. , “The value of money” Quarterly Journal of Economics 32,Nov.38-56,1917
2、 模仿传染模型 Lux. T Lux.T, “Herd behavior, bubbles and crashes”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 105, pp 881-896, 1995
3、 托宾q效应 托宾 Tobin, “A general equilibrium approach to monetary theory”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, pp15-29, Feb. 1969
4、 消费的财富效应 莫迪利亚尼 Franco Modigliani, “Monetary Policy and Consumption”, in Consumer Spending and Money Policy: The Linkages (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. 1971), pp9-84
5、 流动性偏好 凯恩斯 Kenyes,J.M.,1936,“The general theory of employment, interest rate and money” in the collected writings of John Maynard Keeynes,Vol.6 London :Macmillan,1971
6、 真实经济周期模型 基德兰德、普雷斯科特 Kydland,F.E.and Prescott,E.C.. “Time to build and aggregate fluctuations”, Econometrica 50(6),November:1345-70, 1982
7、 泰勒规则 泰勒 Taylor J., “Discretion versus policy rules in practice”, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Vol.39, 1993
8、 动态非一致性博弈模型 Kydland,F,E and Prescott,E.C. Kydland,F,E and Prescott,E.C. ,“Rules rather than discretion: the inconsistency of optimal plans”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.85, PP473, June 1977
9、 MCI Freedman, C Freedman, C ,“The use of indicators and the monetary conditions index in Canada” in Balino, T.J.T and Cottarelli,C eds. “Frameworks of monetary stability-policy issues and country experiments”, IMF, PP470, 1994
10、 跨期生活费用指数 Alchian和Klein Alchian, Klein “On a correct measure inflation”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Feb. 1973
11、 动态均衡物价指数 Shibuya Shibuya ,“Dynamic equilibrium price index: asset price and inflation”, Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, 10(1), 1992
12、 有弹性的通货膨胀目标 Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler,“Monetary policy and asset price volatility”, in “New Challenge for Monetary Policy”, Jackson Hole, August 26-28,1999
13、 金融体系内在脆弱性假说 米什金 Minsky,H.“the financial instability hypothesis: a restatement ”帕77
14、 生命周期假说 (Life cycle hypothesis) 莫迪利亚尼、布伦伯格 Modigliani,F and brumberg, F ,1954, “ Utility analysis and the consumption function :an interpretation of cross-section data.in post-keynesian economics”, ed.K.K. Kurihara, New Brunswick: Rutgers university pressModigliani,F and brumberg, F 1954. “Utility analysis and aggregate consumption functions :an attempt at integration” in the collected papers of franco modigliani ,vol.2,the life cycle hypothesis of saving,ed.A.Abel, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press,1980:79-127
15、 流动性偏好 (Liquidity preference) 凯恩斯 Keynes,J.M. , 1937 ,“Alternative theories of the rate of interest”, Economic Journal 47, June : 241-52, in the general theory and after ;part 2 defence and development, collected writing of J.M. Keynes Vol.XIV, ed.D.E. Moggride, London: MacmllanKeynes,J.M. 1936, “The general theory of employment, interest and money”,.In collected writing of J.M. Keynes Vol.XII, ed. D.E. Moggride, London: Macmllan
16、 通货膨胀缺口 (Inflation Gap) 凯恩斯 Keynes, J.M 1940,”How to pay for the war”, Lodon” Macmillan. Reprinted in essays in persuadsion: The collected Writing of Jonh Mayynard Keynes Vol.IX, London Macmillan,1972
17、 IS-LM模型 希克斯,汉森 J.R.Hicks,1937,《凯恩斯先生与古典经济学:一个尝试性解释》,计量经济学年会
18、 银行的衍生存款理论(derivative deposit theory of banking) 詹姆斯.彭宁顿 “Observations on the private banking establishments of the metropolis: first memoranm to huskisson”, In Economic writings of James pennington, ed. R.S. sayers, London The London School of Economics and political Science, 1963
19、 金融加速因子 伯南克,哥特勒等 Ben Bernanke, Mark Gertler and Simon Gilchrist, “The financial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle framework”, NBER Working Paper 6455
20、 费雪效应 费雪 Fisher, I. 1930 “The theory of Interest” New York: Macmillan Company
21、 乘数理论 汉森 Hansen,A.H.1941 “business cycles and national income” New York: Norton
22、 “稳定黄金”法则
23 最优货币量学说 米尔顿.弗里德曼 Friedman,M.,1969, “The optimal quantity of money” in The optimum quantity of money and other essays, Chicag Aldine
24、 恒久性收入 弗里德曼 Friedman,M. 1957, “A theory of consumption function”, Princeton university Press
25、 鲍莫尔-托宾的存货理论 鲍莫尔、托宾 Baumol, W.J. 1952 “The transactions demand for cash: an inventory theoretic approach” , Quarterly Journal of Economics 66,Nov. 545-56Tobin, J. 1956 “The interest –elasticity of transactions demand for cash”, Review of economics and statistics 29, May :124-31
26、 理性预期模型 汉森、萨金特 Hansen, L. and Sargent ,T. 1981 “Linear rational expectations models for dynamically interrelated variables. In Rational Expectations and Econometric practice, ed. R.Lucas, Jr. and T. Sargent, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
27、 通货膨胀税
28、 金融结构 雷蒙德.W.戈德史密斯 《发达国家的金融结构与经济增长-关于金融形态的比较试验》,1955
29、 金融抑制金融深化 罗纳德·I·麦金农和爱德华·S·肖 《经济发展中的货币和资本》与《经济发展中的金融深化》The American Economic Review,1970s
30、 利率的期限结构模型 萨金特 Sargent, T. 1979, “A note on maximum likelihood estimation of the rational expectations model of the term structure”, Journal of Monetary Economics 5:133-43
31、 永久收入假设 克里斯蒂诺、艾肯鲍姆、马歇尔 Christensen,L., Eichenbaum ,M. and Marshall, D. 1911. “The permanent income hypothesis revisited”, Econometrica 59;397-424
32、 货币中性 (Neutrality of money) 哈耶克 Hayek,F.A. von. 1931 “Prices and proction”, London: George Routledge
33、 货币交易方程式 费雪 Fisher,I.1911, “The purchasing power of money” ,2nd revised edn.1926; reprinted New York:Kelley,1963
34、 可贷资金理论
35、 流动性升水理论
36、 货币的替代效应
37、 哈恩难题
国际金融 理论 作者 出处
1、 购买力平价理论 卡塞尔 Cassel,G. 1916, “The present situation of the foreign exchanges”, Economic Journal 26,March: 62-5
2、 资产组合平衡分析 Branson Branson,” Asset market and relative prices in exchange rate determination”, 1977
3、 利率平价理论
4、 一价定律 Izard Isard, p. 1979, “How far can we push the law of one price?” American Economic Review 67
5、 特里芬难题 特里芬 Triffen,R.1960, “ Golden and dollar crisis”, New Haven: Yale University Press
6、 M-F模型 Mundell R.A Mundell R.A ,“The appropriate use of monetary and fiscal policy under fixed exchange rate” IMF Staff Paper, 1962
7、 格雷欣法则 Thomas Gresham 1560, Thomas Gresham 1869, “The history of economics”, London: bliss, sands and Co.
8、 J-曲线效应 (J-curve effect) 麦吉 Magee, S., 1973, “Currency contracts, pass-through , and ation” Brookings paper on economic Activity”
9、 国际收支的吸收分析法(Absorption approach to the balance of payments) 亚历山大 Alexander, S. S., 1952, “effects of ation on a trade balance”, International monetary fund Staff papers, Vol.2:263-78Alexander, S.S.,1959, “A simplified synthesis of elastic ties and absorption approaches”, American Economic Review 49:22-42
10、 最优货币区理论 (optimal currency areas) 蒙代尔 Mundell,R.A.1961, “A theory of optimum currency areas”, American Economic Review,September:657-65
11、 国际收支的弹性分析方法 (Elasticities approach to the balance of payments) 查尔斯.比克迪克 Bickerdike, C.F.1920, “The instability of foreign exchange” ,Economic Journal 30,March:118-22
12、 抵补利率平价 (covered interest parity) 凯恩斯 Keynes,J.M,1923 “A tract on monetary reform”, London: Macmillan
13、 马歇尔-勒纳条件 (Marshall-Lener Condition) 马歇尔 Marshall,A.1923 “Money, credit and commerce” London: Macmillan
14、 货币贬值的吸收方法 悉尼.亚特兰大 Alexander,S. 1952, “Effects of a ation on a trade balance” ,International Monetary Fund Staff Paper 2 :263-78
15、 货币贬值的货币方法 蒙代尔 Mundell,R.A. 1971, “monetary theory” pacific palisades: Good year
16、 国际收支依赖性经济模型 斯旺 Swan, T.W. 1960, “Economic control in a dependent economy”, Economic record 36:51-66
17、 汇率超调模型 多恩布什 Dornbusch, R. 1976, “Expectations and exchange rate dynamics”, Journal of Political Economy 84(6):1161-76
C. 求仙人帮我翻译一段金融资料
中国股票市场快速发展,在国民经济中占有越来越重要的地位。投机交易是市场交易的天然组成部分,可以说有了市场就有了投机活动。而投机在股市中又是个永恒的话题。它是一把双刃剑,在我们乐此不疲地对它追捧之时, 同时又被它深深地刺伤。
China Stock market develops fast, holds more and more important status in the national economy. The congenial transaction is the market transaction natural constituent, may say that had the market to have the aleatory operation. But in the stock market is also an eternal topic congenially. It is a double-edged sword, when we pursue ecstatically to it holds, simultaneously by it deeply is stabbed.
This article is for the purpose of through to Our country Stock market excessively congenial deep level reason, theoretically discovers the solution the way and the method, pointed determines the corresponding government measure to Our country Stock market. This article is divided four parts, the primary coverage is as follows:
The first part mainly only leads, the turnover rate, the stock index and the turnover through stock market's city and so on, obtained the Chinese Stock market speculation strong basic conclusion. Simultaneously should the dialectical treatment congenial positive effect and the negative effect
The second part mainly to the young investor knowledge's deficiency, the sudden wealth psychology, To be listed's legal person management structure as well as to be listed does not pay great attention to the shareholder to repay these four aspects, elaborated our country high speculative reason
The third part mainly proposed certain rections congenially to the market negative influence countermeasure
Finally summarizes for this article. Pointed out that our country should limit excessively congenially, should enhance the boss company quality achievement to suppress the excessively congenial essential measure.
股票 Stock 投机 Congenial 对策 Countermeasure
D. 求教: 金融股票类术语翻译
E. 国际银行家将用什么办法操控欧元夺取欧元发行权
F. 求助推荐几本书
1、《经济学原理》 N·格里高利·曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出
2、《应用经济计量学》拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。
3、《货币金融学》 弗雷德里克·S·米什金 (Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民
4、《金融学》 兹维·博迪、罗伯特·默顿,中国人民大学出版社。
5、《公司理财》 斯蒂芬·A·罗斯, 机械工业出版社。
6、《投资学精要》 兹维·博迪 ,中国人民大学出版社。
7、《国际金融管理》 Jeff.Mara,北京大学出版社。
8、《固定收入证券市场及其衍生产品》 Suresh.M.Sundaresan,北京大学出版社。
11、《衍生金融工具与风险管理》 唐·M·钱斯(Don.M.Chanc),中信出版社
1、《经济学原理》 N·格里高利·曼昆 (N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出
2、《应用经济计量学》 拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。
4、《货币金融学》 弗雷德里克·S·米什金 (Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民
5、《金融学》 兹维·博迪、罗伯特·默顿,中国人民大学出版社。
8、《世界经济千年史》(英)安格斯·麦迪森(Angus Maddison),北京大学出版
货币经济学 理论 作者 出处
1、 剑桥方程式 马歇尔、庇古 Pigou,A.C. , “The value of money” Quarterl
y Journal of Economics 32,Nov.38-56,1917
2、 模仿传染模型 Lux. T Lux.T, “Herd behavior, bubbles and crashes”, T
he Economic Journal, Vol. 105, pp 881-896, 1995
3、 托宾q效应 托宾 Tobin, “A general equilibrium approach to monetary t
heory”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, pp15-29, Feb. 1969
4、 消费的财富效应 莫迪利亚尼 Franco Modigliani, “Monetary Policy and C
onsumption”, in Consumer Spending and Money Policy: The Linkages (Feder
al Reserve Bank of Boston. 1971), pp9-84
5、 流动性偏好 凯恩斯 Kenyes,J.M.,1936,“The general theory of employmen
t, interest rate and money” in the collected writings of John Maynard K
eeynes,Vol.6 London :Macmillan,1971
6、 真实经济周期模型 基德兰德、普雷斯科特 Kydland,F.E.and Prescott,E.C..
“Time to build and aggregate fluctuations”, Econometrica 50(6),Novemb
er:1345-70, 1982
7、 泰勒规则 泰勒 Taylor J., “Discretion versus policy rules in practic
e”, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Vol.39, 1993
8、 动态非一致性博弈模型 Kydland,F,E and Prescott,E.C. Kydland,F,E and P
rescott,E.C. ,“Rules rather than discretion: the inconsistency of optim
al plans”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol.85, PP473, June 1977
9、 MCI Freedman, C Freedman, C ,“The use of indicators and the monetar
y conditions index in Canada” in Balino, T.J.T and Cottarelli,C eds. “
works of monetary stability-policy issues and country experiments”
, IMF, PP470, 1994
10、 跨期生活费用指数 Alchian和Klein Alchian, Klein “On a correct measu
re inflation”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Feb. 1973
11、 动态均衡物价指数 Shibuya Shibuya ,“Dynamic equilibrium price index
: asset price and inflation”, Monetary and Economic Studies, Institute
for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, 10(1), 1992
12、 有弹性的通货膨胀目标 Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler Ben Bernanke and
Mark Gertler,“Monetary policy and asset price volatility”, in “New C
hallenge for Monetary Policy”, Jackson Hole, August 26-28,1999
13、 金融体系内在脆弱性假说 米什金 Minsky,H.“the financial instability
hypothesis: a restatement ”帕77
14、 生命周期假说 (Life cycle hypothesis) 莫迪利亚尼、布伦伯格 Modiglian
i,F and brumberg, F ,1954, “ Utility analysis and the consumption funct
ion :an interpretation of cross-section data.in post-keynesian economics
”, ed.K.K. Kurihara, New Brunswick: Rutgers university pressModigliani,
F and brumberg, F 1954. “Utility analysis and aggregate consumption fun
ctions :an attempt at integration” in the collected papers of franco mo
digliani ,vol.2,the life cycle hypothesis of saving,ed.A.Abel, Cambridge
, Mass: MIT Press,1980:79-127
15、 流动性偏好 (Liquidity preference) 凯恩斯 Keynes,J.M. , 1937 ,“Alt
ernative theories of the rate of interest”, Economic Journal 47, June :
241-52, in the general theory and after ;part 2 defence and development
, collected writing of J.M. Keynes Vol.XIV, ed.D.E. Moggride, London: Ma
cmllanKeynes,J.M. 1936, “The general theory of employment, interest an
d money”,.In collected writing of J.M. Keynes Vol.XII, ed. D.E. Moggrid
e, London: Macmllan
16、 通货膨胀缺口 (Inflation Gap) 凯恩斯 Keynes, J.M 1940,”How to pay f
or the war”, Lodon” Macmillan. Reprinted in essays in persuadsion: The
collected Writing of Jonh Mayynard Keynes Vol.IX, London Macmillan,1972
17、 IS-LM模型 希克斯,汉森 J.R.Hicks,1937,《凯恩斯先生与古典经济学:一个
18、 银行的衍生存款理论(derivative deposit theory of banking) 詹姆斯.彭宁
顿 “Observations on the private banking establishments of the metropoli
s: first memoranm to huskisson”, In Economic writings of James pennin
gton, ed. R.S. sayers, London The London School of Economics and politic
al Science, 1963
19、 金融加速因子 伯南克,哥特勒等 Ben Bernanke, Mark Gertler and Simon
Gilchrist, “The financial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle
work”, NBER Working Paper 6455
20、 费雪效应 费雪 Fisher, I. 1930 “The theory of Interest” New York:
Macmillan Company
21、 乘数理论 汉森 Hansen,A.H.1941 “business cycles and national income
” New York: Norton
22、 “稳定黄金”法则
23 最优货币量学说 米尔顿.弗里德曼 Friedman,M.,1969, “The optimal quanti
ty of money” in The optimum quantity of money and other essays, Chicago
: Aldine
来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_61841ef10100glhm.html) - 人大金融学院长推荐书目_大同爱跻_新浪博客
24、 恒久性收入 弗里德曼 Friedman,M. 1957, “A theory of consumption fun
ction”, Princeton university Press
25、 鲍莫尔-托宾的存货理论 鲍莫尔、托宾 Baumol, W.J. 1952 “The transact
ions demand for cash: an inventory theoretic approach” , Quarterly Jour
nal of Economics 66,Nov. 545-56Tobin, J. 1956 “The interest –elasticit
y of transactions demand for cash”, Review of economics and statistics
29, May :124-31
26、理性预期模型 汉森、萨金特 Hansen, L. and Sargent ,T. 1981 “Linear
rational expectations models for dynamically interrelated variables. In
Rational Expectations and Econometric practice, ed. R.Lucas, Jr. and T.
Sargent, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
29、金融抑制金融深化罗纳德·I·麦金农和爱德华·S·肖 《经济发展中的货币
和资本》与《经济发展中的金融深化》The American Economic Review,1970s
30、 利率的期限结构模型 萨金特 Sargent, T. 1979, “A note on maximum lik
elihood estimation of the rational expectations model of the term struct
ure”, Journal of Monetary Economics 5:133-43
31、永久收入假设克里斯蒂诺、艾肯鲍姆、马歇尔 Christensen,L., Eichenbau
m ,M. and Marshall, D. 1911. “The permanent income hypothesis revisited
”, Econometrica 59;397-424
32、 货币中性 (Neutrality of money) 哈耶克 Hayek,F.A. von. 1931 “Prices
and proction”, London: George Routledge
33、 货币交易方程式 费雪 Fisher,I.1911, “The purchasing power of money”
,2nd revised edn.1926; reprinted New York:Kelley,1963
国际金融 理论 作者 出处
1、 购买力平价理论 卡塞尔 Cassel,G. 1916, “The present situation of the
foreign exchanges”, Economic Journal 26,March: 62-5
2、 资产组合平衡分析 Branson Branson,” Asset market and relative prices
in exchange rate determination”, 1977
3、 利率平价理论
4、 一价定律 Izard Isard, p. 1979, “How far can we push the law of one
price?” American Economic Review 67
5、 特里芬难题 特里芬 Triffen,R.1960, “ Golden and dollar crisis”, New
Haven: Yale University Press
6、 M-F模型 Mundell R.A Mundell R.A ,“The appropriate use of monetary
and fiscal policy under fixed exchange rate” IMF Staff Paper, 1962
7、 格雷欣法则 Thomas Gresham 1560, Thomas Gresham 1869, “The history o
f economics”, London: bliss, sands and Co.
8、 J-曲线效应 (J-curve effect) 麦吉 Magee, S., 1973, “Currency contr
acts, pass-through , and ation” Brookings paper on economic Activ
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G. reaaaaaally 怎么读,口语中really拉长音表示强调,什么是拉长音
原始音标是['riəli] 强调主要就是拉长/i/的音
H. 翻译英语文献(金融工程)
有价证券保险其他技术使用在股票和其他市场指数的期货合约。 在先例中,经理可能" 综合性" 通过卖在S&P 500索引的期货合约卖某些或所有股份单。 如果股份单在价值方面后来跌落与S&P 500索引一起,预测点将引起部分地或完全地将抵销损失的prohits。 如果市场价上升了,股份单将上升按价值,但是预测点将引起将倾向于抵销获取的损失。 注意这个技术不仅稳定股票组合的价值,而且允许经理用赢利和损失创造与更小的股票组合是等效的位置。 这个更低的风险位置达到,不用实际卖每个单独储蓄位置的部分重大费用在股份单之内的。 技术上,这是树篱或者坚持特殊市场价值的例子一个期间而不是保证最小值,当保留机会上部获取的时。 是可能的,然而,卖S&P 500期货指标的适当的数量为了仿造被描述的被投入的被保险人股份单的整体赢利上面。 这将要求周期性调整对树篱,或者期货合约的数量被卖的,因为价格变成了和时间合同的失效减少了。
I. 关于股票的英语段落 有点难
“在市场恐慌时再入市。”在英镑贬值几周后,我提出了这个看法:在最近季度极端刺激与思维风险像极了一个非常刺激的总统大选循环第三年。(总统就职期间是4年)诚然,现在看起来这个通常来讲都是很限制很保守的“第一年(规律)”似乎变成了一个巨型的“第三年效果”。在权威们没有表现出像今年一样悲观的情况下,市场在循环第三年通常典型地表现出高于平均指数12点的状态。当然概念上这种现象多少归于现有政府的大力支持。4月1日在苏黎世(你将会在4月1日得到你所失去的),在英镑贬值的影响下,我对Finanz und Wirtschaft说:“Der S&P 500 Index kann rasch auf 1100 steigen.”这句话的意思是,标准普尔500指数会迅速升到1100。我甚至记得我说这次移动将在1000至1100之间,但是记者(总是)不喜欢浪费(文章上的)地方。在几周后一封迟来的季度信件里。(季度信件应该指的是季度市场报告,通常由研究公司通过快递等送达订阅者手上,这句话没完,不过我估计就是他的预言成真了呗。)
思维风险:暂时这么翻译吧,moral hazard指的是有人因为个人的利益而作出违背一份契约本来目的的举动。比如说市场上的不正常风险规避举动以求暴利,又或者一位工伤保险投保人故意受伤以换取保金等。我找不到相对应的中文,就只好按照自己的理解翻译。
J. 求保险投资的英文论文和中文翻译
保险投资管理研究/Insurance Investment Management
中文关键词 保险投资 投资方式选择 投资阶段选择 投资风险控制
英文关键词 insurance investment choice of investment mold choice of investment stages investment risk control
摘要随着保险市场竞争的日趋加剧,投资收益已经成为保险公司最为主要的利润来源,是保险公司偿付能力额度增强的重要手段、是保险险种产品创新的重要推动力量、是提高保险企业竞争优势的关键举措。因此,对保险投资管理研究极具重要性。从国际资本市场发展情况看,在资本市场的发展与完善以及资本市场和保险投资管制的放松因素驱动的推动下,美国、日本的保险投资得到了大力的发展。发达国家保险投主体模式组建主要有三种,其一是,公司内设投资机构运作模式;其二是,委托专业的投资机构运作模式;其三是,投资管理公司运作模式。 从我国的具体发展情况看,我国保险投资起始于1984年。20世纪90年代,由于保险市场的主体的增加,竞争的加剧,保险投资的现状得到了一定的改善。进入新世纪后,我国保险投资开始逐步取得较好的成绩。当前我国现有保险投资工具主要有:银行存款;债券,主要包括国库券、金融债券、企业债券;以及证券投资基金。当前,我国保险投资存在的主要问题是:第一,保险投资过分依赖于银行存款、债券,加剧寿险公司的利率风险;第二,保险投资限制过多使保险费率居高不下,不仅增加被保险人的负担,而且容易导致保险人的费率恶性竞争;第三,保险投资的限制影响了保险投资组合管理策略的实施;第四,保险投资的限制在一定程度上制约了我国保险监管方式由静态监管向动态监管发展;第五,保险投资限制和资本市场的缺陷严重阻碍了保险投资资产负债管理方式的运用。因此,我国保险投资管理的重点是加强对保险投资方式选择和相关的策略研究。在保险投资方式上,要根据我国的具体国情、保险历史、法律环境情况,充分考虑本国经济发展的现实,不能盲目地与发达国家接轨。此外,根据我国资本市场和保险市场的现状,保险投资渠道必须积极稳妥的扩大,保险投资必须有步骤分阶段地进行。在不同阶段应该实施不同的保险投资重点。具体说来,保险投资第一阶段的重点是,加大金融债券的投资力度,扩大企业债券的投资比例;投资于稳定的基础设施参与住房金融业;从事住房抵押贷款;开展保单质押贷款业务。保险投资第二阶段的重点要转移是,提高证券投资基金的投资比例、设立证券投资保险基金或资产管理公司、保险资金直接入市保险资金投资于不动产。保险投资第三阶段重点则要定位为,保险投资与国际接轨,实现投资的国际化。此外,保险投资管理还必须加强风险管理的策略研究,一方面,要加强对保险公司投资风险的宏观监管,要建立现金流量测试模型,公司现金流量测试要由各保险公司的精算师独立完成,对财务比率分析、风险资本要求等指标进行静态监管。另一方面,要加强保险公司对投资风险的管理。保险公司加强保险投资主体模式建设,防范保险投资风险;保险公司应该以内控机制为基础,加强投资风险的防范;保险公司应该将投资管理从传统的财务管理中分离出来,实行专业化的基金管理;灵活运用现代证券投资组合理论,充分发挥投资组合分散投资风险的功能。
Abstract In company with more and more cutthroat competition in insurance market, investment yield became the uppermost source of profits, promoted as the important measure for solvency, acted as the force power of proct innovation, played as the key for improving the enterprise’s competitive edge. Thereby, investment management of insurance is very important work. In term of international capital market, America and Japan have made a great progress in investment management of insurance under a boost in perfect capital market and relaxing the control of investment management of insurance. The mode of investment in western countries had three patterns: section of a enterprise which contain the investment organization; entrusting the professional organization; investment administration organization. In term of national capital market, China first went about investment management of insurance in 1984. The situation of investment management of insurance improved e to the increasing insurance market subject and the intensifying competition from 1990’s. Nowadays, the development of investment management of insurance getting better and better progressively. The object of insurance investment involved the bank deposit and bond, which including treasury bill, financial bond, corporate bond and security investment fund. The insurance investment in china concerned with the following problems for the present. First, the insurance investment overly dependent upon the bank deposit and bond, which led to increasing interest rate risk of life insurance corporation. Second, the insurance investment overly regulated the rate of premium, which give rise to high rate of premium, piling the pressure on insurants and concting the cut throat competition among the insurers. Third, the regulation on the insurance investment affected executing the stratagem of portfolio management. Fourth, the regulation on the insurance investment restricted the mold of supervise developing dynamically. Fifth, the regulation on the insurance investment and the imperfect market restricted the mold of the assets and liabilities operation. The key of managing the insurance investment is how to selecting the mold of investment and correlated strategies. In aspect of the mold of investment, we should select the strategies which approached to inhabitant. According to our capital market and insurance market status, the insurance investment should widen the channel step by step. First, the investment section of financial bond and corporate bond should increase. Second, the investment section of security investment fund should increase. Third, the insurance investment should make international. Moreover, the insurance investment should pay attention to risk management, which including macro-supervise and micro-supervise.