當前位置:首頁 » 股票走勢 » 公司的股票大跌英文翻譯


發布時間: 2021-05-04 08:52:57

1. 股票中的追漲殺跌 拿英語怎麼說

Chase after go up kill drop in stock

2. 股票跌了,用英語怎麼說

The stocks dropped.

O(∩_∩)O~ 別跌啊,不能跌,都套住了呢!


3. 請問,股票漲停和跌停用英語怎麼說

daily fluctuation limit 每日波幅限額,無論上升或下跌至一限額便要停板.如香港是500點.
The daily fluctustion limit of Heng Seng Index is 500.
surged limit漲停
decline limit 跌停

4. 股票大跌的翻譯是:什麼意思

the share price plunges
the share price bombs

5. 公司股票的英語翻譯.在線等

AAS undertakes that all assets and liabilities X Company are free of any potential legal disputes, and AAS will take full responsibility to indemnify the Company for any losses suffered by the Company as a result of any legal disputes in the course of listing transaction of X Company.

6. 股市下跌 英文怎麼說

Stock market slump

slump 英 [slʌmp]

美 [slʌmp]

vi. 大幅度下降,暴跌; 沉重或突然地落下[倒下];

n. (物價等的) 暴跌; <美>(個人、球隊等的)低潮狀態; (銷售量、價格、價值等的) 驟降; (精神等的) 消沉,萎靡;

[例句]Net profits slumped by 41%.


[其他] 第三人稱單數:slumps 復數:slumps 現在分詞:slumping 過去式:slumped 過去分詞:slumped

7. 「股價下跌」用英語怎麼說


8. 請問「股價大幅下跌,大幅上揚」英文怎麼說

The stocks slump( sink,tumble, plunge, plummet )大幅下跌
The stock opened higher(moving higher or trading higher) 逐步走高
Ths stocks jump (surge,soar skyrocket) in the morning. 大幅上揚
advance, gain, climb 一般上漲
shed, slip, fall, decline, drop, lose 一般跌幅