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① 【翻譯】一句話,令人費解的一句,財報里關於股票的。



S條例是SEC(美國證券交易委員會)傑作。Certificates 是指Security Certificates. S條例管轄的也稱為限制股。

"Restricted" Securities:
Removing the Restrictive Legend
"Restricted" securities are securities acquired in an unregistered, private sale from an issuer or from an affiliate of the issuer. They typically bear a legend clearly stating that you may not resell them in the public marketplace unless the sale is exempt from the SEC』s registration requirements.

Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933 provides the most commonly used exemption for holders of restricted securities. To take advantage of this rule, you must meet several conditions, including a one-year holding period.

Even if you』ve met all the conditions of Rule 144, you still cannot sell your restricted securities to the public until you』ve had the legend removed from the certificate. Only a transfer agent can remove a restrictive legend. But the transfer agent won』t remove the legend unless the issuer consents—usually in the form of an opinion letter from the issuer』s counsel to the transfer agent.

If you want to remove the restrictive legend, you should contact the company that issued the securities—or the transfer agent for the company』s securities—to ask about the proceres for removing a legend. If you have a broker, you may want to ask your broker to help you.

If a dispute arises about whether a restricted legend can be removed, the SEC will not normally intervene. The removal of a legend is a matter solely in the discretion of the issuer. State law, not federal law, covers disputes about the removal of legends.

If you are considering acquiring restricted securities, it would be wise for you to consult an attorney who specializes in securities law. To learn more about the conditions you would have to meet to publicly sell your restricted securities, read our overview, Rule 144: Selling Restricted and Control Securities. You can also read our publications on the rule and Form 144, which you may need to file with the SEC and others if you sell restricted securities.

② 今天公司贈與股票,但是贈與的是restricted common shares 是什麼意識


③ 麻煩翻譯下面一段話英翻中,金融證券方面的,在線等


1. 該規定準許(股票持有人)對直接或間接地證券的發行人(或發行人的子公司)購得的、滿足一定條件非公開發行的「限制性股票」 進行有條件公開轉售。

2. 股票持有人在持有所規定的期限後才可進行轉售。同時某些情況下,證券的轉售數量有所限制且只能通過撮合(經紀人)進行交易。

3. 盡管有本條款(D)之規定,買方還應承認並同意下一款(e)所說明的限制條件。

另外,第一句If and to the extent that U.S law is applicable 拿不準,if and to the extent 是不是有更多的含義?「如果且僅限於美國法律適用的范圍內」?僅供參考。

④ 請問受限股票與受限股票單位之間是什麼關系非常感謝。

2、受限股票單位(RSU )的本質是在一定期限內不能賣出,或者說不能上市流通。通常為4年。
獲得受限股票單位(RSU )的職工面積可以很大,比如達到50%以上。同時對工作年限沒有限制。但是,實際上,獲得受限股票單位(RSU )的多少往往與工作年限有關。期權與此相比,受益職工面積可以更大,如全員持股期權,而且通常有一個較長的工作時段,否則沒法兌現。
受限股票單位(RSU )目前正在成為取代期權的一種流行的職工激勵方式,因為股票的價值通常總是大於零的,而期權則不一定,可能等於零,所以受限股票單位(RSU )對職工有更明確的激勵內容和實惠。

⑤ Restricted Stock是什麼意思呢

Restricted Stock
1. Of course, such executives receive restricted stock or options, so they tend not to actually buy stock out of their own pockets. 當然,這些管理人士獲得了限制性股票或期權,因此實際上不會自掏腰包購買股票。
2. it excludes new grants of restricted stock and stock options. 統計中未包括新授予限制性股票和股票期權的價值。
限制性股票(restricted stock)指上市公司按照預先確定的條件授予激勵對象一定數量的本公司股票,激勵對象只有在工作年限或業績目標符合股權激勵計劃規定條件的,才可出售限制性股票並從中獲益。

⑥ 資本市場術語如何翻譯


⑦ 滬市A股 深市A股 用英文怎麼說

Shanghai A shares Shenzhen A shares




H股也稱為國企股,是指國有企業在香港 (Hong Kong) 上市的股票。也就是指那些在中國大陸注冊、在香港上市的外資股。1993年第一支H股青島啤酒H股在香港上市。


N股,是指那些在中國大陸注冊、在紐約(New York)上市的外資股。


⑧ 有限制股票是什麼意思

限制性股票(restricted stock)指上市公司按照預先確定的條件授予激勵對象一定數量的本公司股票,激勵對象只有在工作年限或業績目標符合股權激勵計劃規定條件的,才可出售限制性股票並從中獲益。

⑨ 什麼是擬向激勵對象授予限制性股票
